While looking for costumes for Halloween online today I stumbled upon some hideous outfits that just cracked me up. Naturally all the guys at the warehouse had a good laugh and I figured it would be funny to post up the 10 worst ones on our blog (hey, Friday afternoons are slow for us okay.). So without further adieu, here they are:

worst costume jew

Number 10 goes to the soon to be notorious, worlds first, Jewish superhero we aptly nicknamed “Jewman”.  Be wary of his “Dradle Fist Punch” and “Flames of Justice from Menorah”.  He fights with his glasses on because he would not be able to see without them, remember this weakness evil villains!

vagina costume

Number 9 goes to Vagina Man.  What can be better than dressing up like a pussy on Halloween?  Better slow down with the drinks that night fellas or you may end up inside this thing for the evening.

nintendo fan costume

Number 8 goes to.. well the website we saw this on said “Nintendo Fanboy”, but we came up with many other names for whatever this could be.  Needless to say, I’m closing the door on any guy with a shy mischievous smile dressed like this on Halloween for safety reasons.

tigger gay costume man

Number 7 goes to Questionable Tigger in Spiderman Tighties.

supersoaker costume usa halloween

Number 6 goes to Patriot with Cup on Penis wielding a Super Soaker.  I know he put a lot of planning into this costume because he took the time to cut breathing holes in the cup.

jersey shore costume

Number 5 goes to Pauly D from Jersey Shore costume.  This is available online at many web stores.  What better way to confirm you are a douche bag by dressing up as a douche bag for Halloween?

french maid costume halloween

Number 4 goes to Angry Hairy French Maid.  If you called one of those Craigslist ads for sexy french maid service and this showed up at your door, you would be angry too!

costume fail

Number 3 goes to a costume we couldn’t quite figure out.  After much deliberation, the only apt name we could come up with is “Run Beach Creeper” as in if we saw this guy with that aggressive smile, in this outfit, creeping up on the beach, we’d run.

joker custome bad halloween

Number 2 goes to “Scrawny Joker”.  Seriously dude, how you gonna beat Batman if you look scrawnier than Pee Wee Herman?  The other name we came up with on this one was “Teenage Joker”, if you looked like that during your teens, you’d have issues as an adult too.

fat batman halloween costume

Number 1 goes to “Fat Batman”, Batman has really let himself go after retirement…  However, I would argue that this Fat Batman can still take down Scrawny Joker.

Hope you enjoyed our list and editorial comments!  Remember to post your comments via our newly implemented Facebook comment box below!  Newton spent a good hour on that thing and is itching to get his first comment on it!