Tattoo Power Supplies

We carry a range of CE certified tattoo power supply units that range from economical and high end. Our best power supply units are the Hildbrandts. Hildbrandt units are capable of a wide range of output that has very little current fluctuations. We keep our design simple but the underlying electronic parts are high quality. The result is like our Spartan, accurate, reliable and durable. These guys can take a licking and keep on ticking. All our Hildbrandt models have ten turn dials that are very responsive to power adjustments. Our Inkstar tattoo power supplies are economical but do not let their low price tag confuse you, time has proven these units to be very reliable. Buy with confidence as all of our equipment comes with a standard 6 month warranty.

Power Supply for Tattoo Machines & Guns

Choosing the right power supply for tattoo machine setups are important. If you are running a high-end Stigma Thorn or a Bishop Power Wand, you will want to go with a higher end output device to run them. Our Hildbrandts would be ideal to run professional gear and there are thousands of shops out there that can attest to that. One great feature that our Hildbrandt Afterlife and Inkstar Lancer have is the dual power supply capability. This allows two machines to be run off of the same unit with the flick of a switch.

Wireless Tattoo Power Supplies

We carry digital wireless power supplies to meet the needs of today’s artist; great portability, easy to use, and no wire restrictions.  Many tattooist who prefer to go wireless will have multiple battery packs.  A spare battery to have on hand will ensure a smooth session.  Critical Tattoo even has a dual universal battery dock to charge two batteries simultaneously.

RCA and Clip Cords Connect You Gear

RCA and Clip cords are the highways that connect the electric circuitry that powers your machine from your power supply. RCA cords are standard issue, same as the ones you might use on your TV’s. They are less likely to lose connection than the old clip, because it inserts directly into the plug. The Clip cord is the old school clips that connect to the frame and back binding post of your coil tattoo machine. This type of connector would be the default if you were using old school machines.

Foot Pedal & Footswitch To Control Your Gear

Foot pedal and footswitch are the controllers that control the electric circuitry that powers your machine from your power supply. Foot pedals can come as wired or wireless. Typically all will use a phono 1/4″ plug connector, with the exception of specialty brands like Cheyenne which uses a 3.5mm plug. These pieces can be made brass, plastic, steel, nickel and even wood! We have a lot of really cool designs that you can checkout!

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