Tattoo Ink Bottles, Squeeze Bottles and Containers

We carry a variety of tattoo ink bottles, squeeze bottles and containers for your convenience.

Tattoo Ink Bottles

Our tattoo ink bottles come in a 1 ounce sizes.  They come with either a Yorker spout or a twist cap. These products are great for unused ink that you wish to keep for longer. In addition, they are also ideal for mixing inks that you do not want to put back with the original ink. Always keep the cap tightly fastened to prevent contamination. Most tattoo ink is composed of alcohol or some other kind of disinfectant and thus will allow it to keep for a reasonably long duration.

Tattoo Squeeze Bottles for Green Soap and other Tinctures

We have several tattoo squeeze bottles that is ideal for use with green soap solutions and other cleaning tinctures. These containers are made with a durable resin plastic material. Since cleaning solutions are inherently anti-bacterial, there is little risk of contamination even for long periods of storage.  We try to keep things as simple as possible by carrying an 8oz, 16oz, and one with a red top.

Tattoo Spray Bottles

We stock two varieties of tattoo spray bottles, these are our metal/aluminium style and our plastic ones. They all come with a industrial strength sprayer that adjusts to allow for fine mist or jet stream. These containers are great for green soap and cleaning solutions. They can be used to cover large surface areas to be wiped down which make these products essential to keeping a clean workstation.

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