Just as the title suggests, Jimmy Von Lemon, tattoo artist and human ink machine strikes again!  We felt that simply posting his collection of works on our artists tattoos section wasn’t enough to showcase all the great stuff he posts to our Facebook so we are dedicating a new post to Jimmy.  Do you do tattoos in your sleep buddy?  How do you keep pumping out all this stuff that obviously takes hours to do and still live a normal life?  Your shop must be darned busy!

Bionic Arm Tattoo

JVL: “Here is a good update on this monster…..”

We were waiting to see when this one would finish, beautiful blending of rich dark tones.  We have named this one the Bloody Bionic Man.

Space Tattoo

JVL: “Six hours of space……”

Exactly as he said, Space, the final frontier, the fella getting this tattoo must’ve been a trekky.

Roman Gods Tattoo

JVL: “Finished this little lady up with 7 hours of pure Hildbrandt bliss….used all of them today from my oldest coil to my latest rotary…..”
Native Dreamcatcher Horseshoe Tattoo
JVL: “A real nice start to a fantastic piece….Tons of fun today after a real difficult couple days…Thanks for the great session Devri…Once again you make my job so pleasurable!!! See you in a couple weeks to continue our journey!!!!” 

I am going to go out on a limb here and say Devri is quite possibly from Mexico.

Canary Bird and Flowers Tattoo

JVL: “Solid session in the new studio…. From The Ashes Tattoo & Piercing Hildi Powered today!!!!”

Beautiful bluebird in the garden.

Henna Inspired Tattoo

JVL “Back to my 357 for this one…. a solid 5 hours of lining….. Always a pleasure to run this machine……”

I love the way the patterns and designs that Henna art makes, this one however will last a lot longer than traditional Henna!  Look at how he uses the old work and incorporates it into the new one.  It takes a good imagination and intuition to think of this stuff.