Variety of Tattoo Art Supplies for your Tattoo Artwork

We offer many different tattoo art supplies that help to design, transfer and maintain tattoo artwork. All of our supplies are sourced from top quality manufacturers and brands. We offer products such as tattoo practice skin, green soap, Spray Stuff, Stencil Stuff, transfer paper and more. These products are used to either help you design or to help you transfer those designs to skin.

Tattoo Art Supplies for Design

Tattoo art supplies for design include transfer paper, pencils and tattoo flash. If you are doing custom work, then you would likely be sketching on transfer paper. The paper allows you to transfer the drawing you designed onto the skin. Transfer paper can also be used to trace flash designs. A light box may help in this endeavour. Stencil Stuff is used to help transfer the design from transfer paper to skin. Practice skin is used for practising and designing. For those clients that are very finicky, doing up a whole piece on practice skin will give them a much better idea of how the tattoo will look when it is done.

Tattoo Art Supplies for Transferring: Stencil Stuff or Green Soap

Tattoo art supplies that are used to help transfer designs to skin that we sell include Stencil Stuff and Green Soap. Green Soap is a nontoxic disinfectant that is also very useful to help transfer artwork from paper to skin. Stencil Stuff is a revolutionary product that is formulated to work even better than Green Soap at this task.

Spray Stuff

Spray Stuff is used by artists to keep a stencil on skin. The most annoying thing that can happen during a tattoo is when the stencil gets smudged. Sometimes it can be so bad you may have to redo the whole thing. With Spray Stuff, the stencil stays on the skin.

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