Golden Tattoo Machine

Golden Tattoo Machine

Golden Tattoo Machine are exquisite hand made machines made in Portugal. Featuring rotary, short rear coil liners and shaders.  Since 2006, the company has been developing machines with precise mechanisms, which are essential tools in the tattoo art.

Coil Tattoo Machines
Given that the electromagnetic cycle is a unique system, the Golden Tattoo Machine needed to deepen this concept through new technologies and a meticulous choice of raw materials used in order to ensure a tattoo machine with the highest performance and precision levels, characteristics that can be observed in its usage and after healing.  The Mustang Liner and Mustang Shader are prime examples of our high quality workmanship.

Rotary Tattoo Machines
Nitro Pro® is a UK project developed by Golden Tattoo Machine. Each detail has an essencial function. The Swiss-Maxon motor incorporated in the 7075 Aluminum ergonomic frame is easy to handle.
The Enya and Fox rotary machines don’t require any kind of adjustments since they are equipped with our exclusive damping system.

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