Tattoo Art Submission

Some more tattoos and designs from Mike Baxter

By |2021-01-07T22:50:23-08:00June 23rd, 2012|Tattoo Art Submission|

Good Ol'Mike is a regular here at Hildbrandt.  I've personally exchanged emails with the man on many occasions and so has our operations manager Richard.  The fellow always has an upbeat attitude and has become an invaluable contributor to sharing Hildbrandts name with other tattoo artists and aspiring artists.  He [...]

Tattoo Designs and Free Hand by Peter Nguyen

By |2021-01-07T06:52:44-08:00June 21st, 2012|Tattoo Art Submission|

Peter Nguyen is an amazingly talented artist from the Lower Mainland Area in BC.  These are pictures of tattoo designs created by him.   Many of his work is using free hand straight out of his imagination and talent.  We have such confidence in Peter as a tattoo artist that [...]

Tattoo Designs from Mike Baxter of Fayetteville NC

By |2021-01-07T07:42:09-08:00November 3rd, 2011|Tattoo Art Submission|

Mike Baxter is a great guy that we love hearing from. The work he shares with us are tattoo designs that are done on hog skin. I've never used hog skin to practice doing a tattoo before but looking at his work, I would definitely recommend using it if your [...]

How to get a Tattoo Apprenticeship

By |2021-01-08T04:29:38-08:00September 5th, 2011|Historical Archive|

A question that is asked by aspiring artists everyday is how to get a tattoo apprenticeship. First of all, if you are just thinking about getting one and stopping by every tattoo shop in town to try your luck, give up, now, this is not that kind of tutorial. Getting [...]

Tattoo Videos About Design, Drawing and Transfer

By |2021-01-08T04:29:26-08:00September 1st, 2011|Historical Archive|

A compilation of videos covering different techniques and tips for designing and implementation of ink. These videos cover design, drawing and transfer. Sometimes we come across some great how to tattoo videos and feel it is a good idea to share. These videos won't teach you all the tricks of [...]

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